Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Open Circle?
The Open Circle Coven is a spiritual group led by Alice Toft, founder and owner, which carries the mission to educate and share magic information, witchcraft practices, and occult knowledge into the modern world.
Is the circle open to join?
All marketed OCC events are open to the public to attend. The coven itself is a private group; and while the OCC is always accepting new members, these members are vetted by practice, skill, and intent before they are allowed to join. If you’re looking for something more casual, I’d join the Red Veil Lounge for community, fun events, and learning.
Does the OCC accept donations?
No, the OCC does not accept donations. In the future, the OCC hopes to establish community outreach through established charitable organizations.
What’s special about the OCC?
I am a lifelong practitioner and full-time educator of both witchcraft and the occult. Practicing multi-disciplinary and multi-faith studies over nearly 20 years, I teach studies that marry opposing forces, creating a practice and power unique to the OCC. With an eye to the moon and an ear to the furnace, I have an unusual and powerful ability to help you find your way, no matter what path you may choose.
Why not get the information elsewhere?
While any dogma may be tailored to casual practice, I have dedicated my life to learning these secret arts so that they can be shared with those willing to deepen self-understanding and seek the truth of the world beyond the human eye. This intensity of study allows the OCC to refine and studiously perfect their sources, practices, and personal styles. While the OCC accepts all dogmas, the deepest secrets can only be learned by the most dedicated practitioners. Learn more here.
Does the circle accept minor attendees?
Right now, due to the nature of the group’s focus, the OCC only accepts attendees 16 years of age or older.
How do I apply?
Prospective attendees are asked to fill out this form, where you will be asked questions about your practice, area of study, or intent.
What does the OCC actually do?
In the future, I intend to turn the OCC into a nonprofit group for women’s and religious rights in the United States, alongside its purpose in education. For now, the OCC holds events- often with the Red Veil Lounge- to educate its followers and attendees in multidisciplinary studies such as paganism, historical god/desses, religious studies, and both modern and ancient resources, with the hope of teaching a new generation of witches and occultists safe and genuine practices, and the ways of old. As a coven, the OCC also practices active magic and ritual. Learn more about our events here.
Who do I talk to about complaints or questions?
Alice, the founder, runs and operates the OCC. I can be contacted directly here.