Red Veil Lounge

Online Events

All OCC meets are held online on the Red Veil Lounge discord. To attend, please click the button and join the community.

The Old Gods:


Begins Wednesday, November 13th

Embrace the Divine Mysteries of Hekate:

A Transformative November Event Series

Welcome, seekers of the sacred and mystical! This November, we invite you to a series of extraordinary events

dedicated to exploring and celebrating the enigmatic goddess Hekate. Hekate’s Night is back and better than ever!

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious newcomer, these events are designed to deepen your connection to Hekate and enrich your magical practice. Join us for a month of discovery, ritual, and community as we journey through the ancient and modern realms of this powerful goddess.

Event Schedule

Wednesday, November 13th: 6pm-8:30pm CT
Hekate’s Legacy: Ancient Myths, Sacred Symbols, and Forgotten Cults
Step into the world of Hekate as we explore her ancient mythologies, sacred symbols, and the forgotten cults that honored her. Delve into her role in Hesiod’s Theogony, the Chaldean Oracles, the Greek Magical Papyri, and more. Experience her essence through personal stories, a fragrant Combustible Hekate incense, and your own sacred strophalos.

Saturday, November 16th: 6pm-8:30pm CT
Ritual Alchemy: Bridging Ancient Power and Contemporary Innovation in Hekatean Magic
Discover how to integrate ancient Hekatean rituals into your modern practice. We will dissect the sacred rituals of Hekate’s cults, create personalized prayers, and build your own sacred practice space. Engage in hands-on experiences with a tasty ancient Greek pelanos and personalized Hekate’s keys.

Wednesday, November 20th: 6pm-8:30pm CT
Hekate Today: Her Role in Modern Witchcraft and Mysticism
Explore Hekate’s influence on contemporary magical traditions and dive into Hekate-focused spellworks. Participate in a group tarot session and join us for a tarot spread masterclass.

Saturday, November 23rd: 6pm-8:30pm CT
Sacred Connections: Feminism, Witchcraft, and Cultivating Community
Join us in examining the intersection of feminism and witchcraft through ancient and modern devotional practices. Engage in scholarly discussions and a sigil creation masterclass, fostering a supportive and empowered community.

Why Attend?

  • Deepen Your Knowledge: Gain insights into ancient Hekatean practices and their modern applications.

  • Connect with Like-Minded Souls: Build connections with fellow practitioners and enthusiasts in a supportive community.

  • Hands-On Experience: Engage in interactive sessions, from ritual practices to crafting sacred tools.

  • Transformative Learning: Enhance your magical practice with expert guidance and personal experiences.

How to Register

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore the depths of Hekate’s mysteries and expand your spiritual practice. Register below.

Reserve your spot today and be part of this transformative journey!

in the Red Veil Lounge

  • Harvest Moon Guided Tarot

    Saturday, September 28th

    7pm-8:45pm CT

    The harvest moon is about balance, banishment, and baggage. We use the energy of this moon to engage the changing cycle of life, release what holds us back, celebrate the summers of life, and prepare ourselves for the contemplation of winter.

    BYOC- Bring Your Own Cards! Join us in the Lounge for another guided tarot session! Receive help with interpretations, identify your tarot strengths, and show us your favorite deck!

  • Hunter's Moon Guided Tarot

    Saturday, October 19th

    7pm-8:45pm CT

    October, a month steeped in the energy of the witch, is a time of ancestral work, acceptance of death, and gratitude. Our spread this month focuses on that gratitude, and how we can give thanks to ourselves and those who came before us.

    BYOC- Bring Your Own Cards! Join us in the Lounge for another guided tarot session! Receive help with interpretations, identify your tarot strengths, and show us your favorite deck!

  • The Old Gods: Hekate

    Wednesday, November 13th: 6pm-8:30pm CT

    Hekate’s Legacy: Ancient Myths, Sacred Symbols, and Forgotten Cults

    Saturday, November 16th: 6pm-8:30pm CT

    Ritual Alchemy: Bridging Ancient Power and Contemporary Innovation in Hekatean Magic

    Wednesday, November 20th: 6pm-8:30pm CT

    Hekate Today: Her Role in Modern Witchcraft and Mysticism

    Saturday, November 23rd: 6pm-8:30pm CT

    Sacred Connections: Feminism, Witchcraft, and Cultivating Community

    Alice presents the rich tapestry that is Hekate: her history, ancient cults, attributes and symbolism; ancient rituals and practices, and how to bring Hekate’s ancient devotion into modern witchcrft; Hekate’s influence on varied modern witchcraft traditions; and how to create relationships with entities that will last a lifetime. Stay tuned for Hekate’s guided tarot, a masterclass on creative methods of sigil-making, and a demonstration on how Alice designs her Tarot spreads.

  • The Old Gods: King Paimon


    Who is King Paimon?

    This entity, most commonly known from its entry in the Ars Goetia, is famous for the love of its dromedary, which Paimon rides at the front of its company. Behind it, Paimon’s loyal bands dance, sing, play all manner of instruments, and follow its direction with delight.

    Alice discusses her experience following King Paimon through the dunes, what there is to know about this astonishing king of demons, and how we can establish the appropriate etiquette to work with these hellions. An event like no other!

  • Hymns for the Old Gods: Volume I


    An exciting announcement: my first hymnal is here!

    Hymns to the Old Gods is my hymnal series, built on the study and experience of my occult and witchcraft practice. Each hymnal contains music for several named entities, all of whom receive the music within, as promised. Let us be well and merry!

    The first volume contains 10 hymns: 6 varied hymns for Lilith, Ba’al, and Mammon; 3 general hymns to the power of the self; and 1 polite Satan invocation.

    Hymns for the Old Gods: Volume I will be available for purchase.

    Satan Invocation I - All is Well and Evening Still - We Stand in Our Truth - My Divine - Ode to the She-Strangler - Oh My Daughters - Prayer to Ba’al - Lugal Ba’al - Wealth of the Earth - Nobile Demone