About The Open Circle

Welcome, bitches, witches, and whores, to the Open Circle Coven. My name is Alice, and I’ll be leading you down the rabbit hole today.

For an advanced practitioner, natural skill alone is not enough. In my nearly twenty years of interfaith study, I’ve prided myself in pairing my strict occult education with my instinctive skill in magic. My knowledge comes straight from the source; whether that be my beloved mother sorceresses, my connections in hell, or my golden divinity from above. Or, just as importantly, some of you.

I started the Open Circle Coven to pass on my series of study and my methods of practice, and to provide a safe place for multi-practice community. As a lifelong solitary witch, nascent priestess, and advanced practitioner, I believe it’s my duty to bring the elder and ancient back into our modern world, and to lead power and proficiency back to the Circle.

And, hey- I know the importance of having a little fun.

I hope the Open Circle will provide a safe space for you to grow with others, to learn with me, to play, and to explore the self and the world around us. Whether you follow Hekate, Queen of Magic, practice for Moon Lady Selene, or study the demonic goetia, you’re welcome here.

The OCC calls those who are looking for their truths, and welcomes all who study the adjacent spiritualities that bind us together.

The Queen of Judgement stands with us,

and you and I stand strongest

when we stand in one big, open circle.