Event Recap: New Year’s Group Tarot 2024
I like to say that group tarot is a little bit like group therapy: it's an amazing way to build community, spark deep discussions between strangers, and gain insight from other walks of life. Group tarot does have an added benefit, though, and it's a benefit I'd like to think is just as important: our tarot meets also provide an exceptional learning opportunity for those less familiar with a witch’s most well-known tool!
Last night, January 1st, 2024, a mixed group of OCC witches and other practitioners sat down to start the new year with an open mind and a sense of optimism. And how better to do that than the tarot?
We had an remarkable mix of practitioners for this event, ranging from witches with great experience, to practitioners who came to learn a new divinatory tool (so nice to meet you, Gracie!).
As we laid out our cards, it became quickly apparent that this spread hadn't come to play— through our laughing exasperation and playful callouts, we discovered that each of us received multiple major arcana, and such bold direction that one member even laughed that the tarot was "slapping her out of her slump". That same member managed to pull 6 major arcana (despite reshuffling twice). What can you do but laugh?
Seasons of Life, the spread I designed for this event, comes to us from our earth mother Gaia, who spent 2023 teaching me about transience. Her advice? To recognize that seasons of life come and go, and accept that this impermanence does not mean these seasons are insignificant. Rather, as Gaia tried to impress upon me, we should dive into these seasons of life headfirst and live each phase out to its fullest.
To create the spread, I focused on five recognizable phases in life: Release, Rest, Celebration, Work, and Play. For each phase I created a position; then, in a moment of inspiration, I doubled the spread to create a 10-card spread split into two groups of 5. Each larger group of 5 describes the positive and negative aspects of each phase. The full spread appears as below:
The first 5 cards (the Seasons of Living), represented the best of these phases. Together, we discussed the benefits of rest and release, supporting one another as we talked ourselves though the process; how to engage with play; the work we should be prepared to undertake; and the successes and celebrations 2024 will hold.
The Seasons of Discord brought to mind the difficulties we may each face in the upcoming year. We supported one another through tough discussions about why release is so hard, why balance between work and play is so very important for overall health, and how not to take the upsets and downbeats in life too seriously.
The news, I’m happy to report, was honest, but upbeat. I don’t think anyone expects a cakewalk 2024, but at least for the members of the Red Veil Lounge, it looks like the fruits of individual labors will finally come to a satisfying abundance. And, of course, now we know for sure we’re not alone.
In a less serious moment, we then discovered that somehow, two of our members were using the very same deck. If you know how plentiful decks are these days, then you know how unlikely this is. Taking Gaia's advice, we took a moment to breathe and giggle toward the end of the meet.
Above are my own results from last night’s spread.
The deck we had in common was this one, the Moonlight Tarot by Dark Forest on Etsy.
If you’re looking for a gorgeous reward for fulfilling your New Year’s resolutions this year, I do adore this beautiful deck. Not a sponsor, just a charming piece of art.
We had some profound revelations last night. And, as I always hope will happen after those vulnerable moments, we each walked away with a deeper faith in the incredible support found in this community. In the end, we each ended the night with a plan for 2024, a greater clarity into our own self-expectations, and—at least, for me—a sense of hopefulness and excitement.
If you missed this event, have no fear: our next group tarot session will take place on February 24th in the Red Veil Lounge. Want to help us decide the spread’s focus? Hop into the discord here and let me know in the Tarot channel.
If tarot isn’t quite your style, the OCC is hosting an Imbolc informational on Saturday, January 27th. Join us at 1:30pm CST/2:30pm EST for celebration ideas, important Pagan history, and to learn about Brigid, goddess of prophecy and poetry. And, as always, live attendees will also receive an exclusive booklet detailing crafts, magics, recipes, and information for free.
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